Friday, May 6, 2011

His Beloved

Sit in His presence and let Him douse you with His undying, unfailing, and steadfast love.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

a wish list

For whatever reason, I decided to identify the items on my wish list. I'm very happy with my current possessions, but figured it's ok to acknowledge what I wish for.
- homemade ice cream maker (the kind with a crank that you turn to work up and sweat...then you really appreciate the ice cream when it's ready!)
- 2 new pairs of running shoes
- a watch that also tracks distance for my runs
- a closet organizing system with drawers to replace my dresser.

Here are some things that were on my wish list that I am so thankful for now!
- a GPS: it has saved me soooooooooo much gas and time! was a great Christmas gift!
- a cell phone: I was a late bloomer in this dept. but it's hard to remember life w/o one.
- down comforter!!! pure warmth every night whether in the summer or winter. this gift keeps on giving.
- a comfy chair & ottoman with reading lamp in my room: good for starting the day & winding down (total price for ikea comfy chair $25 on craigslist - it was new! ottoman was a gift from grandma :).

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Sunday, April 11, 2010

middle of the night prayer

Acts 20:24

"However, I consider my life worth nothing to me, if only I may finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me—the task of testifying to the gospel of God's grace."

I feel so far from this at times!
Oh, Lord, please make this verse true of me too.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Thursday, March 11, 2010

today's bouquet of thankfulness

before i jump in bed, i like to savor the good moments of the day and thank God for them.
here are a few from today:
-my co-worker Ann. when i dove into today's tasks at work i needed some training from Ann. for about 6 weeks now, she's exemplified gentleness, patience, encouragement, and overall warmth & welcome. how many people get to work with coworkers like her (and Laura too - more on how great Laura is later!)
-i ate the yummiest peanut butter and jelly sandwich for lunch. it's the simple pleasures.
-i finished two projects i had been working on for some time at both my jobs and it felt great to check off those items... finally!
-more donations came in for the weekend garage sale! praise God for putting generosity in people's hearts. and 3 more people decided to help out on the day of the event too. yay!
- my family had a good-bye dinner for my second-cousin who's returning to Colombia after visiting for a few weeks. i'm thankful for her visit and hoping it was good (on various levels) for her too.
- at dinner another relative from Colombia called. it had been 20 years since we saw each other and we had such a lovely phone conversation. as children we had such a blast together! we've reconnected and it looks like i have a new friend.
- from dinner i headed over to the last half of life group. it's wonderful how letting your guard down and praying with women who genuinely care can be so refreshing - both on the giving and receiving ends. it was really good tonight.
- when i got home, i had a delightful little card from a dear friend on my desk waiting for me with a verse that has been reoccuring over the past few weeks. (from psalm 27)

So, there's the bouquet you gave me to enjoy throughout the day, Lord, and now I offer it back up to you with a grateful heart.
